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Month 36
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Month 34 Month 31 Month 28 Month 26 in UK Cade Turns Two

Cade Turns 3

Back:  Grandad, Gramma Scovell, Grampa Priem, God-mother Michelle
Front:  Gramma Priem, Sheila, God-father Thomas, John
Seated:  proud Mommy and always (almost) happy Son

Beautiful scenery at the Science Museum

Studying the Butterfly that landed on his hand.

First thing we've seen really scare Cade:  this large lizard sleeping on the warm rocks

Always enjoys banging on his Drums

Independence Day: getting ready for the parade with Gramma and GranDad in their neighborhood

A ride with the girls on the Fire Truck

Chilling with Mommy at the Pool

Daddy, I need to shave too. . .

Is that Cade drawing out the plan for I-10 freeway construction?  He might be able to do just as good as the city planning engineers that are making such a mess.

Visit to the Aquarium with cousins Maddi and Ali

Popcorn at the Circus

A big thank you for my god-mother Michelle!

And playing with parts for Thomas the Train with my god-father Thomas.

Happy with my Houston God-Parents

Reading with my two Grammas

Pool Party with lots of Friends

Cake & Pizza - yum, yum!

So grown up - off to school with my new Backpack

Rich squeezed in another Triathlon.  Click here for details  
Tracey didn't race, click here to see why

Checking the high water in the bayou after a good rain.

Ooomphhhh:  putting everything into it kicking the soccer ball

Soccer Tournament at Bear Creek Park

Just watching our friends for now, but eager to participate
Will he earn some Championship T-shirts for himself, just like Dad?

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Cade Priem: heir to Rich and Tracey , Big Brother to Dane and Finn
Sixth GrandChild to Dick & Kathleen, Third for Derek & Hilary
Copyright © 2003-2009 by the Priem Family.  All rights reserved.
Revised:  29 Jan 2009