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Beach/Scuba Vacation:  March 5-12, 2006
Luna Beach Resort, Roatan Island, Honduras

Cade with Mommy & Daddy hiking in the Jungle

Ice Cream on the Beach with Gramma & Grampa

Playing with our friend Ronnie the Dolphin

Grampa, Gramma, Daddy, Me, Mommy, Uncle, Aunt
Dick, Kathleen, Rich, Cade, Tracey, John, Peggy

That's us on the Dock -- Just Chillin'

Out at Sea in the Kayak

Look at Me - I can swim all by myself now!

Exhausted after a Hard Day of Play

Going out in the Scuba Boat

Watching Mommy, Daddy, and Gramma

Wading on the Beach with Mommy

Hiking up the Hill with Daddy, trying to signal a left turn.

Another beautiful place to Relax

Our House in the Jungle

Two Sailors waiting for their Ship to come in.

Management:  Uncle John was Trip Leader for a group of 20 from the Keelhaulers Canoe Club.  Chuck is the Owner of Luna Beach Resort.

Sunset in Paradise

Siesta with Daddy and Uncle John

Another Ride in the Water Taxi

Helping Gramma down the Stairs from our Cabin

In the Jungle clearing the way for a Road.  We watched them take down this 75 foot tree with an Axe, Machete, and Rope.

Another Ride on the Water Taxi

This Macaw was one of the Birds of Paradise

Getting ready for a trip in the Sea Kayak

Shopping in Town: the guys relax with Ice
 Cream while the Ladies do their thing

Kisses from Ronnie the Dolphin at the
Nature Conservatory in Anthony's Key

Another sunset in Paradise

Getting ready for Jihad with the Scuba Crew

Daddy is a Skin Head?  No, he just wears the swim cap to keep his  head from frying while Snorkeling in the Sun.

On the 2nd story Deck of House #4

The View from our Cabin on the Hill

My Friend Maria, who works at the Bar

Another visit to the Bird Cage

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Cade Priem: heir to Rich and Tracey , Big Brother to Dane and Finn
Sixth GrandChild to Dick & Kathleen, Third for Derek & Hilary
Copyright © 2003-2009 by the Priem Family.  All rights reserved.
Revised:  29 Jan 2009