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Month 28
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Halloween at the Pumpkin Patch
And my favorite Hard Ball

At the Bellaire Art Festival with GodMother Michelle.
Found some new friends to play catch.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all:  we are Blessed in so many ways!

Best friend Russell drove over for a visit.

Playing my Piano

Always (almost) so Happy!

Pony Ride at the Italian Festival

Hurricane Rita gave us a big scare, but in the end all it did was blow a lot of debris out of the Pine trees.

Another visit with my Cousins in Austin

The River Walk in San Antonio

Hands in my Pockets, just like Dad

Tubing with Mom at the Hyatt Hill Country Resort

Fun with Dad under the Water Falls

Playing around at the Grisby Grille

Daddy, my finger got lost in your Belly Button!

Playing with the Girls at Courtney's Wedding

Learning to Dance with Claire.

And a little Texas-2-Step with Dad too.

Daddy, watch out; last tie I was here I got confused by the algea, and walked right into that Pond.  Mom & Gramma had to pull me out.

Climbing at the Nature Sanctuary

Feeding the Ducks at the Zoo

Still enjoy Flying with Daddy

More Ducks at the Zoo.

Hanging around with Mommy at Jones Plaza after we took a bike ride to see the Thanksgiving Day parade.

My "Arthur" Imitation

Little Drummer Boy in his Bedroom

Cuddles with the Christmas Reindeer

And always more Drumming!

That horrible Wallpaper we eliminated from the Kitchen
The Stunning Red paint that Replaced it!

Chillin after Dinner in the Family Room

Jeez, what a Ham!

Posing for Xmas Photos

Gramma got a break from Photographer duty

Sometimes the leaves Fall in Houston too.

Always enjoy Flying with Daddy

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Cade Priem: heir to Rich and Tracey , Big Brother to Dane and Finn
Sixth GrandChild to Dick & Kathleen, Third for Derek & Hilary
Copyright © 2003-2009 by the Priem Family.  All rights reserved.
Revised:  29 Jan 2009