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Month 34
Up Month 34 Month 31 Month 28 Month 26 in UK Cade Turns Two

Take me out to the Ball Game . . .
Minute Maid Park in Houston

First time on Astro Turf.  Volunteering at Special Olympics at Strake Stadium

Packed everything important for a ride in my car

Drawing and playing outside with my new Friend

Boxing with Daddy

Gramma, why are we playing Baseball with a Basketball?

An Easter Present from Gramma in Ohio

Annual SFDS Easter Egg hunt at the Fennesy Ranch

Team Sakhalin at the annual BP MS-150
Simon, Chris, John, Rich, Jess

Goofing with my best friend Russell

Playing the Guitar at Gramma's House

Another Dinner with Gramma and Grandad

Sheila likes to Baby Sit so Mom & Dad can go out.

Mommy's Friend Marcie has a Beautiful Wedding . . .

. . . at the Royal Oaks Country Club

Alistair Bent joins our Sunday Morning riding club

The west Houston skyline: BP's Westlake campus
That's Al & Tracey approaching on the Bike Trail around the Reservoir

Playing with Mommy on the Floor

Shooting Hoops with Gramma at the Gym

Memorial Service for our friends Anna & Mark who tragically lost their 7-year old daughter.  More photos here

Birthday Party at the Hendry House

I Luv my Mommy!

Click here to see more racing photos

Molly Murphy shows me around the Ball Park

Snoozing with Daddy after a rough week at work.

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Cade Priem: heir to Rich and Tracey , Big Brother to Dane and Finn
Sixth GrandChild to Dick & Kathleen, Third for Derek & Hilary
Copyright © 2003-2009 by the Priem Family.  All rights reserved.
Revised:  29 Jan 2009