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Month 66
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August 2008 to January 2009.  Note: click on photos to enlarge.
View other photos from this time period on pages for Dane and Finn

Gramma & Grampa came to visit, along with Uncle Jeff.

Two grammas, and two old Geezers.

Daddy took me mountain biking at Ho Chi Minh trail in Memorial Park, and I convinced him to let me ride down this big hill.  I went over the bridge really fast, and smashed into the tree just up the other side.  It was fun, but I got a fat lip!

A sunny day after church service.

A cheery new student at Tae Kwan Do class

I Love my Brother!

Surfer dude with a boogy board.

We went down to Galveston for a day on the beach

Hurricane Ike gave us a bit of a scare, and left this mess in the neighborhood.

Everybody helped clean up after the storm.
A nice day to relax after Daddy went on a long bike ride.

Michelle sells her pottery at the Bellaire Art Festival

My first Duathlon: the competition lines up to start the "Teddy Bear".  After a slow start on the run, I went really fast on the bike and passed a lot of older kids.

My Pirate costume for Halloween.

That's me reciting my line at the microphone.  The Kindergarten class put on a show of Pilgrims & Indians for Thanksgiving at The Village School

A day at the Park before Thanksgiving.

Uncle John snapped this photo for our Xmas cards.  They stopped to visit in their RV on their annual snowbird trek from Ohio to Mexico.

Gramma and Grandad joined us at the Mall.

Cousins came to visit for Thanksgiving

Mrs. K directs the Holiday party in my Kindergarten Class

Santa made a surprise visit to our classroom

We drove north to the National Forest to cut a fresh Christmas Tree

Another Leggo set for Xmas.

A visit to the Aquarium with friends.

Gramma came over, and we helped Daddy make a Belly Cast of mommy's tummy, which is really big because our little brother is growing inside.

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Cade Priem: heir to Rich and Tracey , Big Brother to Dane and Finn
Sixth GrandChild to Dick & Kathleen, Third for Derek & Hilary
Copyright © 2003-2009 by the Priem Family.  All rights reserved.
Revised:  29 Jan 2009