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Fat Tony's Lizards:  FFPS 2008 Spring Soccer Season

April-May 2008:  Fun, Fair, Positive Soccer - Spring Branch, Memorial League   www.FFPS.org

Team Introductions:  captain for the day, Leala
JJ, Roshan, Adam, Conrad, Cade, and Storm

Coach Bob organizes the Troops

Conrad, Roshan, Cade, Isaac, JJ, Storm, Leala

Good Sportsmanship after the Game

Cade and Roshan on the Break-away

Coach Bob with some Pre-Game Instructions

Assistant Coach Rich anchors the end of the Line.

On the sidelines at Half Time

Kids enjoy running the Gauntlet after the game!

Cade makes his break for the Ball

What do they call that hair do now:  Mohawk, Spike?

Warm-ups before the Game.

Cade starting another Break-Away

More warm-ups, shooting on Goal

Teamwork?  Roshan and Cade both have their eye on the Ball!

The new Goalie Position?

Little Brother Dane is ready for Action!

And another Break-away.  Cade was our leading scorer!

U6 Team # 1002
Kids born in 2002:  turn 5 in 2008
Cade is in the middle of age group

First season (bottom left) on the "Sharcudas" swim team: only 4 four-year olds.
PR:  55:70 for 25m freestyle, 74:59 for 25m backstroke

Running strong at the HCAA Track Meet

First visit with Dad to the Ho Chi Minh trail in Memorial Park
Looks like there might be some BMX racing in our future . . .

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Cade Priem: heir to Rich and Tracey , Big Brother to Dane and Finn
Sixth GrandChild to Dick & Kathleen, Third for Derek & Hilary
Copyright © 2003-2009 by the Priem Family.  All rights reserved.
Revised:  29 Jan 2009