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Month 22
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Month 21 Month 18 Month 20 Months 16-17 Holidays Month 14-15 Month 13: Vacation in Canada

On Top of Old Smokey . . .

Vacation over Memorial Weekend in the Great Smokey Mountains National Park.  This was at the observation point on top of the mountain, a high point along the Appalachian Trail.
Earlier in the week, we joined my cousins in Knoxville, Tennessee for the Global Finals of Destination Imagination.  Jimmy and Corey lead their team to a 16th place finish in the Middle School category.

We took a nice driving tour through Cades Cove.
Can you believe I have my own Cove . . .

We hiked up to the Rainbow Falls, and I wouldn't let Daddy carry me in the backpack even once!

Hiking the Appalachian Trail

Ouw-whee:  note the Gash in my Forehead that is just healing.  Daddy thought I was playing tag when I ran towards him; he moved just as I leaned in for a Hug.  Result: fell into the corner of the Kitchen Island and got my first really good BooBoo. . .

Getting a good start on my Morning.
Waffles and a ride on the Roller Coaster.

Look Daddy, I can drive the car just like you!
Can I have the Keys now?

Helping Mommy make Brownies.

I really like these Wagon Wheels

Taking another turn on the Laptop

Daddy has some big shoes to fill!

Crashed after Swimming.  Those last Molars are coming in and causing a bit of distress.

Checking the Officer's Equipment before the Independence Day parade at Gramma's House

Cooling off before Fireworks at the Fennesy ranch
Mommy finally agreed to let me jump off the Diving Board, and Daddy (lower right) was there to help me swim back to shore. . . .

Thinking about taking a Plunge

Here I go!!!!! Too fast for the Camera.

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Cade Priem: heir to Rich and Tracey , Big Brother to Dane and Finn
Sixth GrandChild to Dick & Kathleen, Third for Derek & Hilary
Copyright © 2003-2009 by the Priem Family.  All rights reserved.
Revised:  29 Jan 2009