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Month 26 in UK
Up Month 34 Month 31 Month 28 Month 26 in UK Cade Turns Two

The Flowers are Blooming in Bergen (Norway)
3 Weeks in the UK: August 16-Sept 7

Business for Rich at BP offices in Stavanger (Norway), Sunbury (London), and Aberdeen (Scotland).  Sight seeing for Tracey and Cade during the days, and on weekends with Dad, including side trips to Bergen and Bridlington.

The little lake across from our hotel in Stavanger

Found a bike to ride on our layover in Flam

On the boat ride up the Fjord from Bergen to Flam.  Beautiful scenery all along the route.

The Siren of the Sea calling all Sailors to visit.
Train Ride from Flam back to Bergen.  Early enthusiasm playing conductor, but then sleeping through the great scenery, and still zonked when we reach the train station

View of the Bergen Harbor from our Hotel

Our Hotel:  our friend Lars Inge arranged the best room in town, the Honeymoon Suite with the only Balcony over the Harbor.

Making friends with the Troll in the Park.

A refreshing Hike in the Highlands above Bergen.

Bergen Harbor from the top of the Hill.  We took a tram ride up, hiked around, and then walked down.

Got the Buck by the Horns!

Walking the river Thames by the hotel in Richmond, a suburb of London

Tracey's Uncles (Chris, Tony, and John) at the funeral in Bridlington, the town on the English coast where she was born.  Her grandmother passed away at age 95, just a few days before we arrived to visit.

The Wood Family gathers on the Green along the Sea following the Funeral Party.
Left:  Laura, Caroline, Chris  ;  Bridget, Phillip, Peter, Phaydra.
Right: Chris, David, Ana, Georgina, Charles  ;  Christine, Tony, John.
Front: Rich, Cade, Tracey ;  Aveona (with Peter behind) & Ffion

A refreshing walk along the Seawall.

And there was a Carnival along the Harbor.

Flambrough Point from our boat ride north from town.  The beautiful chalk cliffs dominate the coast line in this area.

All washed up at low tide in Bridlington Harbor.

Cade took up Golfing on the green along the coast of Bridlington.  This was our daily walk between the homes of Caroline (where we were bunking) and John (who was hosting the larger family gatherings)

A walk through Sewerby Park.

Home of John & Christine overlooking the Sea.

View from the London Eye, an oversized Ferris Wheel that takes 30 minutes to complete a revolution with scenic views of all the culture of London.

Learning to Juggle from one of the street performers along the river walk.  We spent the day in London with Tracey's cousin Peter (son of Tony), wife Aveona and daughter Ffion.

Buckingham Palace.  We purchased a tour of the queens castle, but Cade had a major meltdown inside (no nap, and too confining) so we had to make a quick exit.

Richmond Park, just outside our hotel in London.

Big Boy always wants to push the luggage cart in the airport.  He's pretty good at it too, not letting Dad touch at all all the way from the luggage claim to the car pickup!

A boys pleasure: 
first time "peeing in the poddy"

Pumping it up for a Bike Ride back home.  Despite the blocks, he still can't quite reach the pedals, but is quite adept at pushing with his tippy toes.

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Cade Priem: heir to Rich and Tracey , Big Brother to Dane and Finn
Sixth GrandChild to Dick & Kathleen, Third for Derek & Hilary
Copyright © 2003-2009 by the Priem Family.  All rights reserved.
Revised:  29 Jan 2009