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Month 13: Vacation in Canada
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Vacation in the Canadian Rockies. A Boy Explores the World . . . . .

Yea . . . we're going on Vacation

Always Happy in the Morning

Hiking in Jasper, we came across this Elk grazing near the Trail

The only Bear we found (thankfully) was stuffed outside the store in Jasper

We had to stop for a Nap on this Hike

Climb Every Mountain!
This one is Mt. ??? just west of Jasper

Can you see the Athabasca River way down there in the Valley?

Almost in Heaven:  on top of the Mountain looking down on the Jasper Valley

Back at Bottom, it feels good to be on a smooth (although still tilted) surface again.

Elk on the Trail again:  we watched this 12-point Buck herd his Harem down the road

Hiking Again:  aren't I handsome in my Cardigan?

Yodeling:  I'm starting to feel like a real Mountain Man.  This was a flat hike around Lake Malign.

Hot Tub back at the Lodge in Jasper

Brrrrr:  its too cold to play on the Glacier

Lake Louise:  we hiked up to the Lake Agnes tea house and the lookout from the BeeHives

Back at the Castle Mountain Lodge having a little fun before Dinner

Banff was Beautiful!

Smoke Signals?  No, just steam coming off the ground as it starts to rain at our Lunch stop.

Snow at a plateau on one of our hikes in Jasper

Just too Cute!

We saw this Big Horn sheep at a Rest Stop on the way to Lake Malign, near Jasper.

Stopped at Sunwapta Falls for Lunch and a Hike

Bruiser:  maybe a little bear will dull the pain from my most recent fall, I'm still learning how to navigate on the rocks & hills

Lake Louise:  enjoying the view with Mommy & Daddy before we start our ascent into the Mountains.

Preaching in the Park at Banff

More Banff

Found a Hiking Stick at the base of Johnston Canyon

At the Water Falls in Johnston Canyon

Lets go!!!!  I wanna Explore . . . 

to be posted soon


to be written soon.


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Cade Priem: heir to Rich and Tracey , Big Brother to Dane and Finn
Sixth GrandChild to Dick & Kathleen, Third for Derek & Hilary
Copyright © 2003-2009 by the Priem Family.  All rights reserved.
Revised:  29 Jan 2009