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Month 20
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The teenage months are gone, as Cade turned "20" recently.
  Our little baby seems to be a little man already.  Where did the time go?  
We're slowing down with the Camera, but he continues to astound us with new things.
He's talking all the time now, and we can even understand a handful of the words.

My new play set.  I fell on my rump the first time I climbed to the top, but now its a piece of cake.
Our neighbors Joe & Bev had this for a couple decades, and it still works great.

My strength and balance are really good for a kid my age.  Daddy keeps on teaching me fun new things to challenge my development..

Another visit with my cousins (Ali & Maddi) who came to visit for the weekend.  We had a lot of fun playing together.

Stats from 18-month checkup

Height:  33.5 inches (75th %tile)
about half Mommy's height now

Weight:  27.5 pounds (75th %tile)

Head:  19 inches (60th %tile)

Weight/Length:  60th %tile

all features working fine . . .

Cade got a lil' Basketball Court for his 19th Birthday.  He practiced for more than an hour, and we had to pull him away after it got dark.

He Shoots . . .

and He Scores!!!
Our Little Helper

Cade wants to do everything we do.
Today he helped bring in the Groceries.

Cade likes to play in Daddy's shoes, and can put on his own loafers all by himself now.

Exhausted from shooting Hoops, Cade takes a nap while Dad reads on the sofa

More Practice in the Morning.

and another Score!!!!

Going for the 3 pointer now . . . 
but can't quite throw it far enough yet.
You gotta see this on Video ! ! !

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Cade Priem: heir to Rich and Tracey , Big Brother to Dane and Finn
Sixth GrandChild to Dick & Kathleen, Third for Derek & Hilary
Copyright © 2003-2009 by the Priem Family.  All rights reserved.
Revised:  29 Jan 2009