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Month 21
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Twenty One (21) seems like a big milestone, even for a Toddler.
Terrible Two's are approaching rapidly, as our son is starting to demonstrate his wants & needs, frustrations & temper.  Mom and Dad seem to be taking it fairly well in stride, but he can certainly exhaust us at times.  And that Pacifier!!! He wants it all the time now.  We can see that he will end up bold and confident like his parents, so we'll let him enjoy his comforts for now.

Our little Scholar, wants to read anything that Daddy is reading.  Sometimes he gets the pages upside down, but the pictures are still interesting!

Little Guy playing with the Big Kid.
Who can do more Push ups?

Computer Nerd playing Video Games already.

Gramma and Grandpa came from Ohio to visit for a week.  We had all our friends over for a party (but forgot to take photos) and had lots of fun visiting.

Cade enjoyed dinner with all four grandparents, but only one Gramma wanted to take Pictures. 

Can you Catch the Devil?

Yee - hah !!! This is fun!!!
We borrowed this Roller Coaster for a party from our friend Mitch, and now Cade doesn't want to give it back.  

Enjoying a nice cold beer after finishing the MS150 bike ride from Houston to Austin (180 miles).
John, Sheila, and Rich were training partners  on the BP team.
Softball Champs Again!

SFDS team retires after winning the 25th annual PACCO tournament.  They also won the first (1981) and a few others in between.
Back: Rich, Lacey, Tim, Lucia, Anna, Lance, Mike, Wendy
Front: Laurie, Cade (bat boy), Mitch (captain), Kenny, Don.

Batting Practice:  Cade takes some pointers from Daddy on how to hit from the left hand side.

Playing on the Patio at Gramma's house.

Taking a break during one of our Training Rides on the Hershey Park trail.

Computer Nerd experimenting with Daddy's Laptop.  Fortunately, he didn't know the password, but liked watching his photos on the screen saver.

Little Guppy begging for Food from Daddy

Mommy, if I walk in your shoes, 
can I ride your Bike too?

Tough Guy on the Playground.

Mommy getting ready for her first race of the season:  Women's Speedo Triathlon on Mothers Day

Lining up for the Start at the Swimming Pool

Go Mommy Go . . .  Swim, Bike , Run ! ! !
Results:  http://www.doitsports.com/newresults3/client/91225_113035_2005.html
1:04:41   40th place out of 250 competitors, 13th of 56 in age group

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Cade Priem: heir to Rich and Tracey , Big Brother to Dane and Finn
Sixth GrandChild to Dick & Kathleen, Third for Derek & Hilary
Copyright © 2003-2009 by the Priem Family.  All rights reserved.
Revised:  29 Jan 2009