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Vacation to Cabo San Lucas:  9-14 Feb 2005
on Mexico's Pacific Coast, at the southern tip of the Baja Peninsula

Sunrise looking SE into the Sea of Cortez

Another spectacular sunrise
and a very Hungry and Squirmy Boy

What a Tourist!!!

Playing by the Pool at our Condo

Just another beautiful view

On the beach front just before dinner

Playing on the Beach

The famous Cabo Arch

Taking a morning walk on the Beach outside our Condo

Cade enjoyed this ride on the Glass Bottom Boat

Looking in on the San Lucas Harbor

View of the Cruise Ships in the Bay

A very unusual storm swept through on Friday, and the flooded streets turned into small rivers.  We were on a bus into town when it hit, so we just took off our socks and toured the city anyways.

Riding the bus between our Condo and the various tourist sites, we got the flavor of the local culture.

Valentines Day carnival in the city of San Jose

A balloon will keep him happy for at least . . .

Father and Son waiting for a Bus at the Park

Mom was craving Ice Cream, was that an omen?

In front of our Condo

The sand and waves were a bit cold & intimidating.  We had the floatation device, but could not get Cade into the water.  Too bad, Dad really wanted to go swimming - he needs to start training again to get rid of that Winter padding.
Back at Home, Cade got a lil' Basketball Court for his 19th Birthday.  He practiced for more than an hour, and we had to pull him away after it got dark.

He Shoots . . .

and He Scores!!!
Our Little Helper

Cade wants to do everything we do.
Today he helped bring in the Groceries.

Cade likes to play in Daddy's shoes, and can put on his own loafers all by himself now.

Exhausted from shooting Hoops, Cade takes a nap while Dad reads on the sofa

More Practice in the Morning.

and another Score!!!!

Going for the 3 pointer now . . . 
but can't quite throw it far enough yet.
You gotta see this on Video ! ! !

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Cade Priem: heir to Rich and Tracey , Big Brother to Dane and Finn
Sixth GrandChild to Dick & Kathleen, Third for Derek & Hilary
Copyright © 2003-2009 by the Priem Family.  All rights reserved.
Revised:  29 Jan 2009