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Dane Turns Two

Is there anything more Joyful than this Cake Face?

Hamming it up with my God Mother

Little brother Finn with Grandma and Grandad

Mommy served a great buffer, and now we get Cake too!

MJ and Cade shoot some hoops in the driveway.

Marlene, Jack, and Griffen (their Dad took lots of these photos)

Cade and Gabrielle

Shooting on the Little Hoops too . . .

The Gorman family enjoying their photos
Lilli, Liza, Lexi, and Ashley

Griffin is giving me a boost on the Roller Coaster

Cade and Sean are/were playing Baseball

Thats me, with MJ, Gabby, Jack, Griffin, and Lilli

Eva tells us everything while George drinks quietly.

Amelia and Jenny get a moment together.

Some day we'll get everybody posed for a good family photo?

Rodney serves some cake to his son Raymond.

My brother can sleep through anything.

Good Morning - big brother Cade got us all out of Bed.

Grand Dad Celebrates his Birthday

Derek & Hillary with their children (Nick & Tracey) and grand-children (Ali, Maddi, Cade, Dane, Finn)

Why is Cade getting Presents?

Tigger & Dixie relax on the Patio

Thomas the Tank Tent

Ice Cream Cake to top off Lunch on the Patio
View photos of my brothers during this time period on pages for Cade and Finn

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Dane Priem: heir to Rich and Tracey   Middle Brother to Cade and Finn
Seventh GrandChild to Dick & Kathleen, Fourth for Derek & Hilary
Copyright © 2007-2007 by the Priem Family.  All rights reserved.
Revised:  30 Mar 2009