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Thanksgiving & Christening in Ohio

Three Generations of the Priem Family reunite at St. Bartholomew Church
Front:  Gramma, Terese, Emory, Cory, Cade
Middle: Maegan, Chuck, Dane, Tracey, Rich, Jimmy
Back:  Vincent, Grampa, Jim, Jeff, Betsy

Deacon Bob presides over the Blessing

Brothers on the Alter

Beaming Family

Godparents: Betsy & Chuck

Opening Presents

Chilling at the Gazebo with the Kobaks
Uncle John & Aunt Peggy

Cousins Hannah and David couldn't make the Trip
But we had this photo to remember them in California.
Ever Exuberant on the Playground:  Dane rides the slide, drives the bus, and stands on the stage.

Brothers driving the Stage Coach

Cade runs the Hurdles in the hallway to our Bedroom upstairs at Gramma's House

Reunion with High School Pals:  Bob & Bill

Cade checks out the Pilot for a safe ride Home.

Mommy's new car finally arrived when we got Home . . .

. . . but Daddy wouldn't let me take it for a Drive!

With Daddy and Gramma watching Cade
 sing in the Xmas Pageant at Montessori School

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Dane Priem: heir to Rich and Tracey   Middle Brother to Cade and Finn
Seventh GrandChild to Dick & Kathleen, Fourth for Derek & Hilary
Copyright © 2007-2007 by the Priem Family.  All rights reserved.
Revised:  30 Mar 2009