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Spring Break in Memorial Park

Snuggling with my big brother Cade

Mommy, look how I can pose for Daddy to take my picture.

We met our cousins at Sea World

Bundled up for a road trip to San Antonio (sea world)

Lunch break at the park

It was a "Soaker" - the rafting ride

Daddy, just let me be a Couch Potato for a while . . .

My brothers sharing a drink.

Three Brothers, snug as a bug!
More fun - all day long . . .

Daddy with his three boys at the Park.

Mommy tries to keep us all calm.

Gramma came to visit after our trip to the park.

Dane received some birthday presents

My first Bike Ride with the Family.  Dad pulls me in the buggy, Mom has Dane in the bike seat, and Cade tries to keep up on his own bike.

We stopped for a break along the Bayou

We made it all the way to "The Bowl" where the BMX guys have built up a great track.

Cade is already learning the tricks, and makes it up this "roller coaster"

Getting better, Cade takes on this little drop

and then this bigger drop ! ! !
View photos of my brothers during this time period on pages for Cade and Dane

Note:  click on photos to view full size.
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Finn Priem: heir to Rich and Tracey   Brother to Cade and Dane
Tenth GrandChild to Dick & Kathleen, Fifth for Derek & Hilary
Copyright © 2009-2009 by the Priem Family.  All rights reserved.
Revised:  30 Mar 2009