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Happy 1-week Birthday

With Gramma before checking out of the Hospital on Day 2

Taking a Bottle from Mommy

What a Little Cutie!!!

Mommy sure is Happy with her Boys

Enjoying the Scenery on my Changing Table

My Big Brother is very Proud of Me!

Daddy helps with the Burping

These Boys are gonna have fun together!

At Home in my Nursery

Hog Heaven after a Feeding

The Prince on his Throne

Cade is showing me his Bunk Bed

Visiting with Gramma and the Guys

My Big Brother is taking care of me Again.

Getting ready for a trip in the Car

Snug as a Bug in a Rug on Gramma's Lap

Reading with Daddy on the Sofa

My Big Brother is Introducing me to the Neighbors

Cade took this picture of Mommy & Daddy on their big 5th Anniversary Celebration:   Champagne and Take-out Dinner

Daddy does the best Burping!

Daddy & Mommy are going out for the evening.
Both have about ten pounds of pregnancy weight to lose.

Baby Blue on my 1-Week Birthday

Look Daddy, I can hold my own Bottle

Eight Days old and Taking in the World


Healthy & Happy, hardly ever crying, or even fussing
Eating/Sleeping on a nice 3 hours schedule
Healthy Appetite, already doubled his intake
Back to his birth weight after just 6 days
Strong & Alert, already holding his head up to look around at things

Click Here for more Photos
of my Big Brother Cade

Daddy takes a break for his Sunday ride with the Guys (John & Al)

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Dane Priem: heir to Rich and Tracey   Middle Brother to Cade and Finn
Seventh GrandChild to Dick & Kathleen, Fourth for Derek & Hilary
Copyright © 2007-2007 by the Priem Family.  All rights reserved.
Revised:  30 Mar 2009