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Prince Dane, in the  Royal Red Bed.

Brothers, just having fun.

My first ride in the new Jogger with Mommy

Reading in bed with my favorite Big Brother

Cade's jokes just make me wanna cry.

Thomas came out for a rid with his Godson.

My cousins came for a weekend visit

Four Feet from the two brothers.

Just done having breakfast with Daddy

My big brother Cade has big shoes to fill.

Ready to Tag-along with Daddy on the Bike.

My new Cousins were just born:  David and Hannah
First children of Uncle Dave and Aunt Constanza

Rock Climbing at Daddy's company picnic.

Paddle boat at the GoM Exploration picnic.

Mommy is training for a Triathlon, and wants to go for a run.  But Cade always wants us to watch him shoot hoops.

Poster Boy

Daddy has his Fifteen minutes of Fame as PosterBoy for the MS150 ride this year.  This image was posted all over town, including billboards on the freeway, and on the top banner of the BP MS150 web site. 

Unfortunately, Cade gave him a virus, and he was too sick to ride that weekend.  But he did participate in the Spring Training Series, and got in lots of good workouts on the weekend Rides.


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Dane Priem: heir to Rich and Tracey   Middle Brother to Cade and Finn
Seventh GrandChild to Dick & Kathleen, Fourth for Derek & Hilary
Copyright © 2007-2007 by the Priem Family.  All rights reserved.
Revised:  30 Mar 2009