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Family Photo with both sets of GrandParents.

Little Cherub, just waking up . . .

Saying Prayers in the Morning.

Gramma always wants to take photos with me.

Celebrating GranDad's birthday

Gramma and Grampa Priem came from Ohio to visit for a week.

My Umbilical Cord finally fellout.

Wondering if somebody is going to feed me soon?

Cozy with my Big Brother

Little Lump left alone on the Sofa

Sitting in the Kitchen, waiting for my Bottle.

Getting Goofy in the Garden

The Guys relax on the floor in the Bathroom

Gramma wants more photos . . .

Bug Eyes after a Burping.

More quality time with Daddy -- but short lived,
 because Cade always wants in on the action . . .

nice to see you Cade, but please let me Breathe!!!

Taking a Bath

Michelle came over to meet me.

Easter morning with Gramma & Grampa

Family Night:  Watching a Movie

Easter Egg Hunt, an annual event at the Fennesy House

Some of my new friends, children of Daddy's good friends.

Comparing Treats

Another Family Photo with Gramma and Grampa.

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Dane Priem: heir to Rich and Tracey   Middle Brother to Cade and Finn
Seventh GrandChild to Dick & Kathleen, Fourth for Derek & Hilary
Copyright © 2007-2007 by the Priem Family.  All rights reserved.
Revised:  30 Mar 2009