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January 29, 2009
Thursday   12:29 pm
7 pounds  10.8 ounces
20 inches in Length
13½ inch Head Circumference.
38½ weeks (11 days early)
9/10 on both Apgar tests

Finn Francis Trey Priem

Welcome to the World!

Hello Mommy
My proud parents are so happy to finally see me.

An hour later, they take me to the lab for weigh in.

Showing off my Muscles under the UV lamp in the Nursery

Snoozing with Mommy in the recovery room

Our first photo as a Family of Five
Gramma and GranDad brought my big brothers to visit, and Cade gave me my first bottle.

About 4 hours before delivery, Mommy is hooked up and ready for action.  Dr. Andrews checks the status.

The first step was to remove this Cerclage.

For the numerologists

On top of all the repetitions of 1-2-9 in his birth date and time, the random number on his ID bracelet in the maternity ward was 12299

Maybe we should buy him a pick-3 lottery ticket with those numbers?

Diary of the big Day

3 am   Daddy is up early, trying to get this web site ready.
4:30   Mommy gets up for a shower.
5:15   Got the boys up and ready to go.
5:30   Drop off Cade and Dane at Gramma's house.
5:50   Checked in at the Hospital, ready to go.
6:20   Dad is back again, he had to run home to get phone list we forgot.
7:00   Anesthesiologist is done with the spinal block.
7:45   Cerclage removed, dilated to 4-5 cm, broke water.
8:20   Administer Pitocin to induce labor.
9:10   Contractions every 4 minutes, asked for Epidural.
10:10  Dr.A returns for exam, still only dilated 4-5 cm
11:45  Getting boring, Dad steps out to get lunch.
Noon   Dad called back nurse did exam, it won't be long now
12:15   Dr. Andres arrives, ready to start pushing
12:29   Just 4 big pushes, and out he comes . . .

My first morning in the Nursery, recovering just after Dr. Andrews did my circumcision

Mommy just finished my diaper change.

Mommy looks really nice after a good night sleep.

Got a good appetite already, gulped down twice the normal amount of forumla. 

Gramma came to visit again in the morning

Cade is really proud of his new brother!

Daddy spends a while cuddling with me

Mommy wanted a photo with all her boys.  Cade is quite happy to cuddle with me, but Dane is still a bit confused by all the commotion.
View photos of my brothers during this time period on pages for Cade and Dane

Note:  click on photos to view full size.
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Finn Priem: heir to Rich and Tracey   Brother to Cade and Dane
Tenth GrandChild to Dick & Kathleen, Fifth for Derek & Hilary
Copyright © 2009-2009 by the Priem Family.  All rights reserved.
Revised:  30 Mar 2009