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It's another Boy
(My Three Sons: Cade & Dane get a Brother)

weeks days hours minutes seconds

to our Due Date (February 9, 2009) ....

. . . Getting Excited . . .

Enjoy following our Web Log ("blog") below.  (Note:  click on Photos to see enlarged Image)

Jan 27:  the last hurrah

Just two days to go, and we're starting to get excited.  Dad is finally winding down at work, shifting gears for Paternity leave, and getting this web site in order.  We took a walk to play at the neighborhood park, then Cade gave the little boys (and big mommy) a ride home.  A cold front was coming in, so we had to bundle up a bit.  Mommy got a fancy new camera for her birthday, but we're still learning how to work it!

Jan 14 (36 weeks)  Any day now?

We've been having weekly checkups with the Ob/Gyn, and Tracey is dilated to 1cm, the most the Cerclage will allow.  Everything is pretty tight, and we're just hoping to hold on until Jan 29, when we have an appointment at the Hospital to remove have the Cerclage removed, which will probably induce Labor.  Tracey ordered another Belly Cast kit, and Gramma and the Boys helped Dad make this sculpture to preserve her maternal beauty. 

Jan 26 (38 weeks)   3 more days!

We took the boys to the hospital today to show them where their brother will be born.  This morning was the last check-up, and we're all set with an appointment at the Hospital on Thursday.  Mom is ready, and getting a bit anxious.  Today was her birthday, and we went out to dinner with our old neighbors visiting from NC: Helena, Russell and Christian.

December 25 (33 weeks)

Happy Holidays!  Mommy helps the boys open presents under the tree.  Later, after Mass, Gramma & Grandpa came over for a traditional Christmas dinner with Turkey and all the trimmings.

At Santa's workshop, Dane was a bit hesitant about the jolly red giant, so Mom had to join him in the photo.  After having their photo taken, we had lunch and then Cade did the indoor climbing wall.  He is actually quite good and loves to go to the top of the wall and ring the bell.  Then it was off to finish last minute Christmas shopping.

 November 25 (29 weeks)

Thanksgiving - grounded in Houston.  We were hoping to visit with Rich's family in Ohio, but things seem to be progressing a bit too quickly, and we decided better not to take the risk of travel.  Uncle John & aunt Peggy stopped for a visit in their RV on the way south for the winter.  Tracey's family gathered for Turkey in Houston, and we went Ice Skating and took our Xmas photo at Discovery Green.

December 14 (32 weeks)

The girls got together at Rio Ranch for a baby brunch honoring Tracey.  They did the same prior to Dane's arrival in 2007.  Thanks Michelle for organizing!  

L2R: Sheila, Lisa, Doerte, Loretta, Tracey, Alida, Chantel, Michelle, Hilary

September 22 (20 weeks)

Enjoying a Sunday afternoon after a long bike ride.  Which one looks like the beached whale?  We're at the half way point, and everything is still going fairly smoothly.

September 28 (21 weeks)

Brunch with the girls at PF Chang's.  Tracey has known "The Girls" for almost 25 years; Shirley, Eileen, Betty, Carol, Marcie, and Donna.

August 22 (16 weeks)

Our third Ultrasound was in conjunction with the Amniocentesis test.  Everything looks fine, and we got a pretty good view of the thing: dad was hoping for a daughter, but mom is a bit relieved not to have to shop for pink stuff.

Sept 5 (18 weeks)

Minor surgery at the hospital this morning:  a "cerclage" to hold the cervix shut, just like we did with Dane.  The lab results from the amnio have come back, showing that there are no chromosomal problems, and confirming the gender is male.  We are relieved to get past this milestone, and know that everything is still OK.

July 28 (12 weeks)

We had Cade's 5th birthday party at the neighborhood pool.  Mom still looks great in her swim suit, but the little guy is definitely showing.

August 17 (15 weeks)

You can see that Tracey has a bit of extra support for Dane to hang on.  Uncle Jeff came to visit and celebrate his birthday with his godson (Cade) along with Gramma and Grampa Priem.

June 12 (5.5 weeks)

We had our first pre-natal exam, and everything checks out fine.  The Heartbeat is strong, and an ultrasound shows that the embryo is properly implanted in the uterus.  Hormone levels continue to rise, which is a good thing for the baby, but "Morning Sickness" for Mommy.

July 11 (9.6 Weeks)

Our second Ultrasound shows an awful lot.  The head and torso are well formed, and the arms and legs are moving around.  

June 4 (4 weeks)

Wednesday afternoon, Rich is home early from a client meeting.  The family is looking forward to the second race of the season this weekend.  Tracey and Rich are both registered, and we have a baby sitter lined up to bring the kids.  But, "Oh No", she calls and cancels - one of us will have to drop out to watch the kids!   Mom & Dad are sitting in the office talking about their disappointment when Rich makes an odd observation, and blurts out, in typical blunt & insensitive fashion, "Girlfriend, you are looking a bit Flabby - are you Pregnant?".  Tracey, of course, is insulted; responding that she is fit and trim, and looking forward to beating me in the upcoming Race.  She stomps off to start making dinner.  But, after dinner, and doing some thinking, she comes back to apologize:  Guess what, you were actually correct, I am pregnant - we're gonna have another baby!

March 15

Tracey buys a new Triathlon Bike (Cervelo P2C) - it's a beautiful, and fast.  After giving birth to Dane early last year, she was able to participate in a few local Triathlons, but this year she is Ready for Racing!  Training has been going well, and she is looking forward to the first race of the season, CB&I Triathlon on May 3.  The second event will be Tejas triathlon on June 8, and both Tracey and Rich are registered.


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Finn Priem: heir to Rich and Tracey   Brother to Cade and Dane
Tenth GrandChild to Dick & Kathleen, Fifth for Derek & Hilary
Copyright © 2009-2009 by the Priem Family.  All rights reserved.
Revised:  30 Mar 2009