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Finn grows like a weed in his first month.  He's happy & healthy, drinking 5 ounces, sleeping 5 hours, and weighs over 12 pounds already.

My afternoon Nap with Mommy

Day dreaming in my Bouncy Chair

Blanca came over to Baby Sit - Mommy has a date with Daddy

Watching TV upstairs with my Family

The Bruiser is out cold in Mommy's bed.  He tipped a chair on Gramma's porch and his left eye collided with the concrete

Cade has his first Pet - Bubbles the Blow Fish

Sheila came for another visit

My big brother Cade takes care of me!

Happy face after a Bottle and a Burp!

Dane always likes a turn holding me.

Look close - Cade has lost his first teeth.

Hey - who abandoned me here on the Couch?

A bottle . . . and a bath . . .

. . . Happy on Daddy's Shoulder
My crazy brother Dane: pedaling his tricycle, dressing for Go Texan day, and riding Cade's bicycle.

See how strong I am already - holding my head up!

Dane likes to steal Daddy's Chocolate!

Cade joined the Kids Team, and this is their first Cycling practice.

View photos of my brothers during this time period on pages for Cade and Dane

Note:  click on photos to view full size.
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Finn Priem: heir to Rich and Tracey   Brother to Cade and Dane
Tenth GrandChild to Dick & Kathleen, Fifth for Derek & Hilary
Copyright © 2009-2009 by the Priem Family.  All rights reserved.
Revised:  30 Mar 2009