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Month 39
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Quack, quack.  I'm a Duck?

My brand new Bicycle

Found the Bridge in the Corn Maze.

Maybe I'll just ride to school today?

Riding the Go Cart at the Pumpkin Patch.

Meeting Daddy on his way home from Work.

Picking out Pumpkins for Halloween.

Playing Tennis on the Big Courts.

Mommy & Daddy on a Dinner Date.

At the fountain after visiting the Zoo.

Gramma and Grampa came to visit for Halloween 

My two Grammas and my Race Car.

Daddy poses with Cade and Russell at the neighborhood Party.

Batter UP!   Daddy is pitching, and Grampa is catching.

Helping Grampa repair the parquet floor

Camping at Huntsville State Park

Renaissance Festival is always Fun!

Taking a lesson from the Starving Artists.

A visit to the Mud Pit

Which one is the Ogre?

Wow, this Camel is really big!

Taking a turn in the Dueling Tournament.

Lovely Tree Art on the Nature Trail

Riding at the park with my best friend Russell.

Daddy wants to take a Nap, but I want to do Face Paintings.
Guess who won?

A sword fight at the Rain Forest Cafe

Just doing the Guy thing. . .

Chrismas Photos in the Park

Noooo, we are not done yet.

Sometimes Cute . . .

And sometimes Playful . . .
By the way, Mommy is getting Huge as my baby brother keeps on growing.

Hayride to the Fields at the Christmas Tree Farm.

We finally picked out a Tree

Mommy, that's my Brother in your Tummy!

Hauling our Tree back Home.  

Visit with Santa Clause.

School Photo

At the park with GranDad and Gramma.

This Trail-a-Bike is an early Christmas Present.
Now I can help Daddy peddle instead of just passively riding in the old Bike Seat.

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Cade Priem: heir to Rich and Tracey , Big Brother to Dane and Finn
Sixth GrandChild to Dick & Kathleen, Third for Derek & Hilary
Copyright © 2003-2009 by the Priem Family.  All rights reserved.
Revised:  29 Jan 2009