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Month 11
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Yeah - - - life is Gooood.
Got my new PJs, and gonna get dinner now.

Another day in Paradise. . .
On the back patio with my Mommy

Studying for some new Moves.

Mommy, how many ways do I have to say it?
I wuv wu . . .

Hey - get out of the way - - I'm coming through!

Aww shucks, Mommy, I didn't think you
 would catch me in here.

Got to see my Cousins from Austin again.  They were nice enough to come visit for Fathers day, and what did I do?  I gave the whole family the Flu.

Help - I'm stuck.  Haven't figured out reverse yet.

Daddy always making me work a little harder
Studying on top, and my Belly Crunches outside

My new Bar Stool lets me sit up at the table.

Mommy looked great in her first Triathlon since I was born.  Click here for more details

My Play Group.  I was sick, and didn't make the photo shoot.  Click here for more details.
This Space

For Rent

Yes!!! Doug graduated from High School.

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Cade Priem: heir to Rich and Tracey , Big Brother to Dane and Finn
Sixth GrandChild to Dick & Kathleen, Third for Derek & Hilary
Copyright © 2003-2009 by the Priem Family.  All rights reserved.
Revised:  29 Jan 2009