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Up Triathlon PlayGroup

Tejas Triathlon: June 13, 2004

Our first Triathlon of the 2004 season.  Tracey placed smack dab in the middle (13/25) of her age group, with a time of 1:26:57.  Not bad for her first race after two years of maternity leave.  And she is still un-beaten by her husband.  Rich was not in particularly good condition, not having done much swim or run training this year.  He cramped in the open water swim, then blew out a tire near the start of the bike, took a DNF (did not finish), and waited to start the run with his wife.   Click here for Results

Tracey comes out of the lake after finishing the 880 yard swim in 17:30.

She felt good on the bike, her best event, averaging 19.6 miles per hour for the 13 mile ride.

It started to get hot on the Run course, and Tracey faded a bit, finishing the 3 miles at an 8:54 pace

Rich was just coming out of the Transition on his new Kestrel, trying to recover from a bad swim.  But then he hit some road debris and blew out the front tire. So he had to walk back in to the transition and sit out his favorite event

Our good friend Sheila placed 3rd in her age group, finishing just 33 seconds ahead of Tracey.

Sheila averaged 19.1 MPH on the bike.  Tracey passed her on this leg, but Sheila got her back on the run.

Sheila came out of the water in 16:57, 33 seconds ahead of Tracey.  The margin was the same at the finish, so what Tracey gained on the bike, she gave back in the run and transitions.

Another friend and training partner, Karen had a blistering run (6:29 pace), and placed first in her age group.

Another shot of Tracey coming out of the water.

This guy in the red cap started in an earlier swim wave, and the girls caught him.

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Cade Priem: heir to Rich and Tracey , Big Brother to Dane and Finn
Sixth GrandChild to Dick & Kathleen, Third for Derek & Hilary
Copyright © 2003-2009 by the Priem Family.  All rights reserved.
Revised:  29 Jan 2009