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Month 10
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images/Month14_15/2004_1031_1800_Halloween.JPG Month 9 Month 8 Month 7

Visiting with my Cousins in Ohio.  Me, Maegan, Vincent, Emory, Jimmy (in back) & Cory.  Note the trampoline in the back; daddy won't let me jump on it yet. . .

With Mommy & Daddy after Mass.

Emory celebrates his first Communion, and everybody wanted to take photos

EJ with his God Parents:  aunt Betsy & Uncle Rich

Snuggling with my Cousin on his special day.
Note how much EJ looks like his God Father (my Daddy) did around that age (8), and I look a lot like EJ did at this age (10 months).  Does that (communicative property) mean I will look like Daddy when I grow up?

Sitting at my own little dinner table

We made a day trip to Waynesville to shop for Antiques.  I thought it was all just old junk.

We went to the Kids Museum, and Daddy let me put my hand in the Water Fountain.  It felt funny!

Playing with the guys in the Basement.  That was fun - we don't have a basement at Home in Houston.

Before Mass, sitting in the Pew with Aunt Betsy and Cory.

After Mass with Gramma and Maegan

I Love my Gramma and Grampa!

Maegan doesn't fee me fast enough, so I have to lean forward and grab at the food.

The Boys gave a Piano recital, and then I was inspired to give it a try too . . .

Uncle Jeff took us for a Hike

Gramma with all her Grandchildren

Back home, having dinner with Mommy on the back porch.

Sheila came to deliver presents for Mothers Day.

More Daddy, give me More . . .

Grounded!   I finally learned how to steer my walker, so now I get to tour the House.  But sometimes I still goof and get stuck like this, when I went over the step in the Foyer.

I finally learned how to pull my self up from the floor.  So now I get to explore in all these neat new places . . .

Enjoying another good Meal

My new Girlfriend (sorry Olivia)

The Bumps (Alex & Rachel):  Triathlon Training Partners came over for Smoothies after making Daddy really tired doing Bricks at Bear Creek.

Happy to have my Two Front Teeth

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Cade Priem: heir to Rich and Tracey , Big Brother to Dane and Finn
Sixth GrandChild to Dick & Kathleen, Third for Derek & Hilary
Copyright © 2003-2009 by the Priem Family.  All rights reserved.
Revised:  29 Jan 2009