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Month 8
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Our first trip to the Swimming Pool
Aren't I all grown up looking in my trunks?
And my Mommy is pretty sharp too!

I really had fun in the pool with Mommy and Daddy.  There sure was an awful lot of water to play in - much more than my bath tub.  But I wasn't afraid at all.  I learned to purse my lips to keep the water out of my mouth when I bobbed down.  And I think I was OK with water in my nose too.  Daddy pulled me around real fast in circles, and lots of other fun stuff.  But he didn't let my face or eyes get under water yet.

The Champ, getting a ride on Daddy's shoulders.


Click above to download movies of me Swimming. 

 This time, we had our new super-Kevlar Flotation Suit, and Daddy did let me roll over and put my whole face in the water.  I was a bit surprised, but didn't even cry.

At the Bellaire Arts Festival, where my GodMother Michelle is selling her pottery.  We just finished having my Portrait drawn by a local Artist

Oops, I was thinking of running away this morning, but Daddy caught me in the Act!

Walking the Beach at SeaBrooke.  I liked the wind, and the waves, and the sand between my toes.  And Mommy was glad to get away and chill out after that "thing" she just went through.

Captain Cade after dinner at the Kema Boardwalk.  When Mommy put the Quarters in, this boat really rocked - but I manned the helm the whole way.
Mommy is making BBQ dinner on our back yard Patio.  I got to play my
 new Game with Grandma, and then show Grandad how to use his Walker.

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Cade Priem: heir to Rich and Tracey , Big Brother to Dane and Finn
Sixth GrandChild to Dick & Kathleen, Third for Derek & Hilary
Copyright © 2003-2009 by the Priem Family.  All rights reserved.
Revised:  29 Jan 2009