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SAS White Pyra LogoThe SAS System for Information Delivery

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The SAS System for enterprise-wide information delivery is a modular, integrated, and hardware independent system of software for data access, management, analysis, and presentation. The base product is a 4th generation programming language (4GL) with a broad suite of powerful procedures. And the macro & application facilities can be used to generate user interfaces for reusable programs.

Partner Logo Quality Partner Certification

The Priemere Consulting Group has been tested and certified as a "Quality Partner" by the SAS Institute Inc.

We are quite active in the User Community, and serve on the following executive committees:

bulletHUGS: Houston Users Group for SAS
bulletSCSUG: South-Central SAS Users Group
bulletR-SUG: Regional SAS Users Group Steering Committee
bulletExternal link to SAS Users Group Page

The Vendor : SAS Institute, Inc.  SAS Logo

SAS Institute is a privately held corporation in business since 1976. After more than twenty consecutive years of double-digit growth, and an annual revenue in the neighborhood of half a billion dollars, they now rank among the top ten vendors in the software market. With products installed at more than 27,000 sites in 119 countries, and some 3200 employees world-wide, they are a vital force in the information industry! And with an industry leading investment of more than 30% of revenue to R&D, their commitment to providing leading edge technology is unquestioned.

Click here to link to the WEB Server from SAS Institute

Typical Applications

bulletReformatting data: Excel, Zmap, Sattlegger, BasinMod, etc.
bulletAccess to Oracle databases: Load, Extract, Update.
bulletReporting summarized data.
bulletGraphical presentation of data.
bulletStatistical analysis: regression, clustering, etc.
bulletVelocity modeling & Depth conversion.
bulletYour favorites added here too !?!

Product Line

Modules which we have Licensed

bulletBase : The base product, required for all other products.
bulletStat : Specialty statistical procedures.
bulletGraph: High resolution graphics procedures
bulletFSP : Full-screen products to view/edit tables.
bulletAF : Application Facility for developing user interfaces.
bulletAccess: Transparent interfaces to industry databases, such as Oracle.
bulletTutor : A library of on-line training courses.
bulletAssist: A task-oriented, menu driven interface to SAS Procedures.
bulletInsight: Interactive statistical graphics.
bulletConnect: Cooperative and distributed processing software.
bulletSpectraView: 3-D scientific data analysis visualization
bulletEIS : Executive Information System development tools.
bulletLAB : Interactive guidance-driven analysis system.
bulletCalc: Electronic spreadsheet.

Modules not currently Licensed

bulletOR : Operations Research and Project Management
bulletQC : Quality control procedures
bulletETS : Estimated Time Series analysis, forecasting, and econometrics.
bulletCPE : Computer performance evaluation tools.
bulletIML : Interactive Matrix Language.
bulletEnglish: A portable natural language interface for querying & reporting.
bulletShare : Provides concurrent access to data.
bulletToolKit: Tools for developing user-written extensions.