HUGS: the Houston Users Group for SASŪ


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SAS White Pyra LogoSummary

HUGS has been linking together members of the SAS User Community in the Houston area for over a decade. We sponsor meetings to review topics of interest to the local users, and offer a forum for sharing information between companies and people in the local network.

The SAS System for enterprise-wide information delivery is a modular, integrated, and hardware independent system of software for data access, management, analysis, and presentation. The base product is a 4th generation programming language (4GL) with a broad suite of powerful procedures. And the macro & application facilities can be used to generate user interfaces for reusable programs.


HUGS is a volunteer organization, and we thank the following officers for graciously providing their services:


 Tom Taylor, Consultant
 Paladian Analysis & Consulting, LLC
 4611 Montrose, Suite 205
 Houston, Texas   77006

Vendor Liaison

 John Bell, District Manager
 SAS Institute, Inc.
 5333 Westheimer, Suite 700
 Houston, Texas   77056

Vice President - Program

 Kevin Davidson, Ph.D.
 FSD Data Services, Inc.
 2020 Southwest Freeway, Suite 206
 Houston, TX  77098

Vice President - History

 Rich Priem, Software Engineer
 The Priemere Consulting Group
 403 Sandy Bluff, Suite 201-A
 Houston, Texas   77079-2446

Past President (1995-96)

 Conrad Reynolds, Sr. Systems Analyst
 Exxon Chemical Americas
 6526 Wynwood Lane
 Houston, Texas   77008

Past President (1992-95)

 Tom Mannigel, Consultant
 Insyst, Inc.
 1447 Bering Drive
 Houston, Texas   77057

Past President (1990-92)

 Mansukh Vaghela, Sr. Systems Analyst
 Houston Lighting & Power Company

Past President (1989-90)

 Houston Lighting & Power Company


Meetings are held roughly quarterly, whenever we get up the energy and resources to put together a program. Our greatest difficulty is finding willing and able speakers to prepare a presentation for our group. If you have a subject which is near and dear to your heart, and are willing to spend some time preparing and presenting - please let us know. We will put you on the agenda for a meeting in the near future.

The Vendor : SAS Institute, Inc. SAS Logo

SAS Institute is a privately held corporation in business since 1976. After more than twenty consecutive years of double-digit growth, and an annual revenue in the neighborhood of half a billion dollars, they now rank among the top ten vendors in the software market. With products installed at more than 27,000 sites in 119 countries, and some 3200 employees world-wide, they are a vital force in the information industry! And with an industry leading investment of more than 30% of revenue to R&D, their commitment to providing leading edge technology is unquestioned.

Click here to link to the WEB Server from SAS Institute.

Other User Group information of interest includes:

bulletSC-SUG: The South-Central SAS User's Group (Texas & surrounding states) holds an annual convention every fall. Initiated in 1990, participation in the two-day conference averages between 200-300 attendees each year.
bulletSUGI: The SAS Users Group International holds an annual convention every spring. Initiated in 1974, participation in the three-day conference includes several thousand enthusiastic attendees each year.
bulletSAS/QP: The SAS Quality Partner program includes more than a hundred tested and certified consultants world-wide who are available to provide support and services.